Frontline Church started in 1992 when two small churches merged together. From those small beginnings, Frontline has grown considerably to around 650 men, women and children. The core values of discipleship, mission, and church as family, have played a significant part in this growth.
That founding vision and DNA has remained the same over the years and our passion is still to see people’s lives ‘transformed by grace’.
That founding vision and DNA has remained the same over the years and our passion is still to see people’s lives ‘transformed by grace’.

In 2024 Jack and Jenny Mariner were commissioned as Co-Senior Pastors and now lead Frontline with a Senior Leadership Team from across the church family. They’re a team of spiritual leaders with varied ministry gifts and who together are responsible for the spiritual health and direction of the church.
Our previous Senior Pastor, John Harding, and Founding Pastors, Dave and Julie Connolly and Nic and Jenny Harding, have moved on to work with wider networks of churches across the nation.
We are members of the Evangelical Alliance, adhering to their statement of faith.
Our previous Senior Pastor, John Harding, and Founding Pastors, Dave and Julie Connolly and Nic and Jenny Harding, have moved on to work with wider networks of churches across the nation.
We are members of the Evangelical Alliance, adhering to their statement of faith.
We're excited about Frontline's future. Jesus has promised to build his church, and we just love partnering with him in doing that. Looking forward, we see a church that is multiplying smaller groups of missionary disciples so that we can saturate the city region with the gospel.
It's a 'we'll go to you' strategy, rather than a 'please come to us' approach. As we continue to allow Jesus to transform our lives, the reflex response is that Jesus uses ordinary people like us to transform the lives of those around us. That's how we believe Liverpool will be transformed. It's how we believe this nation will be transformed. And it's how we believe the nations will be transformed by God's grace.
It's a 'we'll go to you' strategy, rather than a 'please come to us' approach. As we continue to allow Jesus to transform our lives, the reflex response is that Jesus uses ordinary people like us to transform the lives of those around us. That's how we believe Liverpool will be transformed. It's how we believe this nation will be transformed. And it's how we believe the nations will be transformed by God's grace.
Like many families these days, some of our family live and work in a number of far flung places. We really value our family members who are working to see the nations 'transformed by grace'. Many of them have grown up in Frontline Church, and responded to the call to 'go into all the world and make disciples'. We would love to see more people sent and more nations impacted.